Wednesday 20 October 2010

Roquetes High School!

Now we're going to introduce our High School:

Our High School has teached classes since 1996 and we had two buildings because there wasn’t place for all courses, the Batxillerat course and Aesthetics and Hairdressing course go to the building that is farther away.
The centre welcomes students from Roquetes and towns around Roquetes like Aldover, Alfara, Benifallet, Jesús, Paüls, Raval de Cristo, Reguers and Xerta.

There are transport services and dining hall. We have an open consultation too, for the students that have problems or questions about their lives, the school, etc.

In our High School we have an orchestra: The orchestra "STOP" is a school orchestra formed by the students of IES ROQUETES.

The orchestra "STOP" started in the course 2005-2006, now five years ago. The basic motive for the creation of the orchestra was, and is, the motivation of the students. They feel they are actors, musicians and essentially the main characters of a show, something they will possibly never do again.

Things in favour about our school:

Our centre is well equipped, has good sport facilities, a soccer field, two of basketball and a gym big enough. The classrooms are all well equipped, there are computers and projectors. The students enjoy fully computerized three classrooms: Languages classroom and two more classrooms, when we do the Computing classes.

That's all folks! ;)




  1. Thank you for this detailed report about your school.

  2. Well done girls, a nice report on the school and the past.

  3. Hey ^^can you show us your timetable??????????

  4. Yeees of course, we're going to upload one as soon as possible!
